Wishing all a healthy and happy New Year 2020! I hope you had a fabulous start to the new year. I have been away with a mini-hiatus of sorts due to the crazy Holiday season. Now I hope to be back sharing about the books I am reading and about life in general.
2019 was the year Bohemian Bibliophile blog was launched. April 2019 to be exact. I have been working on blogs and WordPress for years now. Both as creative mediums and SEO tools. This is my first personal blog. As a book lover, it had to be about books.
I discovered two fabulous communities. Book Dragons India with Nandini @ Novels and Nebulas at the helm. The lovely ladies who share my love for books. I am the official lurker of the community, something that I plan to work on in 2020. And of course, Blogchatter. If you are serious about blogging, you MUST join the community helmed by Richa and the Blogchatter Team. A fabulous group of inspiring bloggers from a range of genres. Their campaigns are not to be missed.
2020 Blogging Goals
A goal without a plan is just a wish. As with business goals, I have charted out some blogging goals too.
- I plan to be more consistent. Both with the blog posts and reviewing. I am planning to create a bank of posts for the months when work is crazy and demands my full attention.
- I plan to catch up on the backlist books and reviews
- I plan to not limit myself to writing book reviews but experiment with a range of topics. I did try that with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa challenge. I plan to include more book discussions and lists, and also a monthly TBR. I am also chewing on the idea of sharing my insights and tips about my journey from a freelancer to a business owner. These include tools, guidelines, and tips on how to find and keep clients, etc.
- I plan to be more active in the community. I participated in ReadIndiaThon hosted by Shantala @ Shanaya Tales in August, my first ever readathon. Although could not read all three books, I thoroughly enjoyed it and found some great recommendations.
2020 Reading Challenges
I am not one for setting up reading goals. Although I am a mood reader, I am participating in a few challenges this year. That said, I plan to keep it fun (as it should be). The idea is to explore different genres and new authors. I would be creating a challenges page and social media threads. Do check them out to keep track of what I am reading.
A goal without a plan is just a wish. 2020 Goals and Reading Challenges. #BohoPonderings Share on XGoodreads Reading Challenge
Goodreads has the official number at 40, I am sure I read a lot more. (Note to self, update Goodreads regularly). I generally keep the count to 12 as I hate Goodreads reminding me how far behind I am. This year, I have updated it to a reasonable 24.
Truth be told, my TBR pile needs an intervention. And the #TBRCHALLENGE2020 hosted my Shalini Baisiwala @ Shalzmojo and Soumya @ Life of Leo is perfect for it. There are way too many books on my TBR. I hope to make a sizable dent to the pile on the other side of the challenge (yeah, right!).
Beat the Blacklist 2020
Can I sign up for a TBR and a backlist challenge? Why not! I have a considerable pile of backlist books to read and review and the Beat the Blacklist 2020 by NovelKnight challenge works like a charm. My target is 20 books.
South-Asian Reading Challenge
I always make it a point to read more books by Indian authors. This year I plan to read more South Asian authors. Hosted by Fanna @ fannatality.com, do sign up for the South Asian Reading Challenge to read and promote South Asian authors.
A challenge too cute to resist! I’m definitely in for the #READINGWITHMUFFY challenge. Hosted by Shalini @ Kohl Eyed Me and her adorable Muffy, I have already picked the book for the January prompt.
2020 Book Bingo Reading Challenge
There has to be a book bingo challenge. Hosted by Shinjini @ Modern Gypsy, the 2020 Book Bingo Reading Challenge is one of the first ones I signed up for.
Reading Women Challenge
Reading Women Challenge is one that I have been participating in for years offline. This year I am “officially” participating in it.
What are your goals for 2020? And what challenges are you participating in? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
January 9, 2020 @ 10:05 pm
These are all such great goals. Wishing you an amazing reading year ahead!
January 9, 2020 @ 11:07 pm
Thank you, Shantala. Wishing you a fabulous reading year too!
January 13, 2020 @ 7:12 pm
Woah! Those are quite a few challenges. Good luck with them all. I had planned to go ahead with just the Goodreads Challenge this year but then included the #TBRChallenge2020 since they were essentially overlapping. I hate the thought of piles of books lying at home while I go on a book-buying spree. Such utter waste! That’s the only target I have.
January 14, 2020 @ 4:09 pm
I know! I have been participating in the Goodreads and Reading Women Challenge for years now. I decided to go all out this time. Ditto on the TBR pile.
January 23, 2020 @ 7:23 pm
Wow! Very ambitious plan and I’m sure you’ll achieve it. Good luck!
January 23, 2020 @ 10:04 pm
Thank you Corrine. I just went all out this year.