Book blogging is all about the technicalities? Social media is killing book reading habits? I think otherwise. In fact, book blogging and social media have enriched my reading experience.
Before 2017, although I was active on social media, it was strictly for work or to keep in touch with family. I joined Twitter in 2017 and was more or less a lurker for the first few months. What started on a lark is now a journey I cherish. The Universe does have its ways.
As Bohemian Bibliophile completes five years in April, join me for a series of posts where I recap my journey as a book blogger. The first in the series, read on as I share how book blogging has changed the way I read. How I have evolved as a reader.
Tracking what I read
Before I joined Goodreads in 2016, I never tracked what I read. Needless to say, I rarely reviewed a book either. Even after joining Goodreads, I wasn’t very particular about adding each book I read.
In my first year as a book blogger, I became more aware of the number and type of books I was reading. The reading spreadsheets helped track and make amends accordingly. I also prepared a monthly TBR although I rarely stuck to it. All in all, my reading is better managed.
Connecting with the book community
Reading is no longer a solitary exercise. The digital age has transformed our reading experience. Online book clubs, book communities, book blogs, bookstagram, book Twitter, and BookTube. The list is endless.
The online book community has always been welcoming. An opportunity to connect with book lovers and like-minded people across the globe. Book discussions. Different opinions and interpretations. They are now integral elements of my reading process.
Discovering underrated books
There are two book bloggers I will always be thankful to for introducing me to quality Indian writing that I would have probably missed out on. Resh Susan and Vivek Tejuja. Although Resh is not as active anymore, her recommendations were always on point.
Over the years, my list of favorite book bloggers has grown. More on that in an upcoming post as I feel they all deserve more than a fleeting mention.
Critical reading
Before book blogging, reading was simply a hobby. A way to unwind. It is still for a majority of books I read.
As a book reviewer, I have become more of a critical reader. The wheels are constantly turning in my head highlighting quotes and adding notes. Dissecting the book for a review. Sometimes that does take away from the joy of reading. All the more reason why all books are not meant to be reviewed.
Diversifying my reading
As I have mentioned in my post on How I Make My Reading List More Inclusive, book blogging has had a major impact in diversifying my bookshelf. I have explored genres, authors, and perspectives I might not have otherwise.
Participating in reading challenges has encouraged me to move out of my comfort zone. Picking books and genres that I wouldn’t have otherwise but those that left me pleasantly surprised.
Appreciation for the art
I’ll be honest. I have never considered myself a writer. With access to authors and interacting with them, I have gained valuable insights into their thought processes. It has given me more appreciation for the art.
As a part of author Sandhya Menon’s street team, I was privy to the complete process right from the first draft to the post-release marketing. It is sheer hard work.
The Pitfalls
All aside, it has not been all rainbows and sunshine. There have been a few drawbacks to being a book blogger too. Some slippery slopes and a few decisions I am not particularly proud of.
Feeding the algorithm
If you are a book content creator, you would agree that only a certain type of content works. Popular books everyone is talking about. Longlists, shortlists, and award-winning books. To succeed on social media, one does have to feed the algorithm creating “trending” content that works.
I too had been on that path not too long ago. Now, I have found my peace with limiting myself to my blog which allows me to read and engage at my own pace. Allowing me to create the content I want. Extensive knowledge of SEO does come in handy so no complaints there.
The overflowing TBR
Last I checked, it was 768 books and counting on my Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf, let alone the physical TBR and the books on Kindle. I enjoy checking out the recommendations more than actually reading them. Then there are the ARC and the blog tours. My TBR does need an intervention. I do have a process to tackle my TBR but it is not easy.
My physical TBR has more unread books than read books. I have moved to the dark side…. the collector. Not something I am particularly proud of.
Impact on Reading Time
Book blogging is as much about writing as it is about engaging. You need a community to connect and grow. Then there are the social media promotions because a blog does not promote itself. Add to that, catching up on the news, updates, wrap-ups, and hauls.
Time management is an important factor if you are a book blogger. Finding a balance is crucial. I sometimes struggle with that but don’t all we do?
Overall, being a book blogger has been an enriching experience for me. Sometimes it does get overwhelming with a demanding design agency and two blogs to manage. But I would not have it any other way.
Hope you enjoyed this little peek and if you are a book blogger, and could relate to it too. Stay tuned as I share more about my journey as a book blogger in my upcoming post.
The Evolution of a Reader: How Book Blogging Has Changed the Way I Read #Bookishleague Share on X
This post is part of the Bookish League blog hop hosted by Bohemian Bibliophile
This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads’ Cookhouse.
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Cindy D'Silva
March 16, 2024 @ 8:36 am
Not a book blogger but I can understand your association with time management for the same. I have not indulged in reading other genres because I get bored easily. I have tried, but I like to focus on my genres alone.
Priya Singh
March 16, 2024 @ 3:43 pm
Your journey as a book blogger is truly inspiring!
Your experience underscores the positive impact of book blogging and social media on reading habits, contrary to common beliefs. It’s a beautiful reminder that reading can be both a personal pleasure and a shared joy. Thanks for sharing your story and the lessons you’ve learned along the way.
Harjeet Kaur
March 18, 2024 @ 1:03 am
Book blogging and social media have truly enhanced your reading journey! Tracking your reads, connecting with fellow book lovers, and discovering underrated gems has made you a brilliant reviewer . Looking forward to reading more about your journey as a book blogger.
Kaveri Chhetri
March 20, 2024 @ 2:08 pm
Congratulations Ritu for completing 5 years! wow! you have come a long way in book blogging and it is evident in your posts. Being in a full time job and being earnest to your passion at the same time with equal rigour is commendable.
I hope that you read more and review more and enjoy yourself more in the process.
Zenobia Merchant
March 18, 2024 @ 1:45 pm
As an avid reader and a bookstagrammer who has kinda upped her game in the last 2 years, I feel every word you’ve written. I am still unaware of SM rules and algorithms and read and post as I please. The burden or drawback of so many book bloggers on Instagram particularly has led me to FOMO. Not always I like the recommendations and I miss out on the type of books I generally like to read. Hence, I do not follow the media game and do (read) as I please.
Pamela Mukherjee
March 18, 2024 @ 4:12 pm
For me, writing and reading about books and reviews on a blog has been a rewarding experience. It takes patience and a habit to read the books very mindfully. Lovely read.
Ambica Gulati
March 18, 2024 @ 6:34 pm
My journey in blogging also helped me align my vision to a lot of things. It brought in clarity and it changed my perspective in many ways. I don’t follow any one person per se for any niche, but I enjoy multiple genres and books, movies, travel, and a lot more!
Congratulations on turning five! and you do have awesome recommendations, I enjoy the format you have adopted.
Sivaranjini Anandan
March 20, 2024 @ 8:14 pm
Every journey has pitfalls the passion you have for reading has made you one of the best book bloggers and that is my opinion. You inspire me to read more.
kanchan bisht
March 19, 2024 @ 1:26 pm
I absolutely loved reading about your journey as a book blogger! It’s so inspiring to see how you’ve evolved and grown through your passion for books and blogging.
I completely agree with you that book blogging and social media have tremendously enriched the reading experience. The way you’ve embraced platforms like Twitter and Goodreads to connect with fellow book lovers and discover new reads is truly commendable. It’s incredible how technology has transformed reading into a communal activity rather than a solitary one.
Jaideep Khanduja
May 1, 2024 @ 4:58 pm
Congratulations on five years of Bohemian Bibliophile! Like you, I’ve found that social media and book blogging haven’t detracted from my reading—instead, they’ve enriched it in countless ways.
Neeta Kadam
March 19, 2024 @ 10:21 pm
Your journey is inspiring. I always wonder how book blogger read so many books and review? After reading your journey I understand that patience and time management. I was in mh reading but currently unable but yes reading lots of blogs. Hope to join TBR asap.
March 20, 2024 @ 12:04 am
‘Book blogging and social media have enriched my reading experience’, I totally agree and relate, and would like to add that it has also helped my books and writing find a wider and newer audience. Book/Reading tracking+connecting with the bookish community is something I’ve seen change and grow in me as a reader too. In the pitfalls, a BIG YES to everything you mentioned but also another add on how overwhelming it all can be, especially for new readers, for those who are in a reading slump, or those who don’t feel the need/comfort to talk about the books they read on social media.
Having said that, it definitely is more a boon than a curse, in my personal experience. Looking forward to read more posts in this series and learn more from your experiences.
March 20, 2024 @ 1:22 am
Your blog posts have always been a learning place for me. Be it the reading lists of recommendations or reviews I love to take time to read it twice or thrice. This was indeed inspiring of where it all started.
March 20, 2024 @ 7:42 am
congratulations on completing 5 years. Indeed, when you begin book reading seriously, it changes the way you look at books, the publishing process and the authors and editors who work hand to get books to us. I love your book recommendations and I always add books to my TBR from your list….ever grateful to you for that.
Swati Mathur
March 20, 2024 @ 3:03 pm
A big congratulations for completing 5.years of book blogging. You are truly an inspiration. I just love all your recommendations and would love to know your journey. Looking forward to read more from you and knowing more about you.
Preeti Chauhan
March 20, 2024 @ 11:15 am
Congratulations Ritu, 5 years is huge and hope you evolve more and more in the coming years.I would like to add that you gave us a very balanced view of being a book blogger,
While being a book blogger may sound heavenly at first and also a great learning curve it also gives us panic attacks when we see a mountain of books still to be read and written about the editing which takes the longest time and the guilt when you rush through even a good book because there are deadlines to meet.
Neha Sharma
March 20, 2024 @ 11:16 am
I really enjoyed reading about your journey as a book blogger. It’s amazing to see how blogging has changed your approach to reading, from tracking what you read to connecting with fellow book lovers online. I love reading your book reviews. Congratulations on your blog anniversary!
March 20, 2024 @ 5:58 pm
Dear Ritu, First of all congratulations for your anniversary as a book blogger. I am really proud of you. I started some 10 years back as a book blogger only. I used to have a free wordpress blog where I used to blog about books and then slowly and steadily authors get to know me and start sending their copies to me for review, that was when I started reviewing with a professional outlook and few years later Indiacafe24 was born and I realized that I can write beyond books also and so one by one the different segments in the portal came into existence. After this long journey of blogging I will still say that I love talking about books more than anything else. There is a sad small story of book blogging for me. In my initial days I gave many authors the first ever online presence as an author when no one was aware of them. Few of them are now bestsellers. Some still respect and accept that I have been instrumental in their growth and progress and plenty more just dont even remember me …. It pains and I cant ignore it. You will be surprised if I name a few among them…….
March 20, 2024 @ 9:02 pm
It’s incredible how you’ve evolved over the years and found so much joy in connecting with the book community online. Your passion for reading really shines through!
March 20, 2024 @ 10:18 pm
Like you in the past, I’m not keen to log or review every book I read. It’s a cherished hobby and the sheer hard work needed to create content around books is overwhelming. One thing though, have seen too many book snobs but you’re one book blogger I truly admire for your honesty.
March 21, 2024 @ 3:54 am
Congrats on 5 years! Your evolution is an interesting read, and it is so nice to know that i am not the only one with more books on my TBR than I know what to do with.
sadly, neither is my social media game strong nor is my time management where i need it to be to juggle life and reading. I just read what i like and only blog on the books that i want to talk about – this has helped me keep my love for reading alive. a lot of the popular books turn out to be not to my liking, so i stick to books i like/catch my fancy.
Sakshi Varma
March 21, 2024 @ 10:29 am
Thanks for the interesting post and after reading your posts and of other book bloggers I have thought about some book blogging myself! I am an avid reader too and picked up on my reading last year, but like you 5 years ago, I neither keep track nor do reviews. Am thinking about it now!
Raghav Dudeja
March 21, 2024 @ 10:30 am
An honest question ma’am. At what point/pace of reading should one consider joining a community/goodread? I am a purely non fiction reader completing roughly 4 books an year. Do you think there will be like minded folks interested in something like that?
Sadvika Kylash
March 21, 2024 @ 12:05 pm
For me reading was all fun. Ultill I took it seriously few years back. Connecting with fellow readers and joining the reader community was the best of all.
May 7, 2024 @ 7:05 am
Congratulations on the fifth. I can so very well relate to this with book blogging being one of the niche I write about. Keeping track, ever increasing TBR are few things that have changed way i read too
March 29, 2024 @ 12:19 am
Congratulations for completing five years of your journey as a book blogger. I can understand the time devoted and how disciplined one should be to complete books and then be critical in writing book reviews. Great post. Looking forward to know more about your journey.
April 1, 2024 @ 5:24 pm
A very inspiring post and congratulations on your 5 years journey. Your post truly summarises all the hardwork and dedication that a blogger goes.
Modern Gypsy
April 1, 2024 @ 7:29 pm
Congratulations on completing 5 years, Ritu! It’s very interesting to see how book blogging has helped you become a better reader. I also enjoy Vivek’s recommendations, though some of them are quite out of my comfort zone at this time — maybe because I’m really busy juggling multiple things, and want my reading to be mostly light easy. Not that that stops me from reading some heavy hitters — philosophy, psychology, etc. But for some reason, I’ve fallen a bit out of love with literary fiction, which used to be my favorite a few years ago. But then I guess, as readers, our tastes are also constantly changing!
April 4, 2024 @ 11:11 pm
Such a wonderful post.
I set a reading goal every year. Track my reading. But, for me, reading is still a solitary activity. I read at my own pace. And read what I want to read.
Critical reading: yes. This thing has changed. Recently, I was rereading a book by Debbie Macomber (she writes delightful love stories). And while I enjoyed that book again, but this time, I couldn’t help thinking about some negative points.
And overflowing TBR…oh god yes!
Anuradha Sowmyanarayanan
April 5, 2024 @ 5:05 pm
Book blogging is a wat to share our love of reading with others. Writing about favorite books, authors and genres, and sharing thoughts and opinions on what we are reading is an energizing experience. A fine way to connect with other book lovers.
Congratulations on completing 5 years.
Preeti Chauhan
April 12, 2024 @ 11:33 am
Reading not just for oneself but sharing your experience and thus creating a book-loving community – Bookish League is not only an achievement Ritu but it is also a gift for the community because we learn so much from each other. Congratulations Ritu!
Noor Anand Chawla
April 24, 2024 @ 9:59 pm
A lovely insight into a book blogger’s journey….
Ninu Nair
April 26, 2024 @ 11:13 am
Reading your post was like an internal journey for me…could resonate with every word! Congratulations on completing five years, wishing many more milestones in the coming years!!
Jaideep Khanduja
May 1, 2024 @ 5:01 pm
Like you, I’ve found that social media and book blogging haven’t detracted from my reading—instead, they’ve enriched it in countless ways. Congratulations on five years of Bohemian Bibliophile!
Prasanna Raghavan
May 4, 2024 @ 3:44 pm
Your post was thoroughly joyful, helpful and informative. I started blogging years ago but have not grasped its multifaceted nature. I use it to showcase my views on different topics, not following any category, but I have one purpose: to train myself as a writer and an author. Without my knowledge, the blogosphere has been growing, and I have to go a long way to catch up with its present form.
I am always a desperate learner and look forward to your upcoming posts on how you evolved as a book blogger. Book blogging is also something I am not used to much, and I am happy to learn about it from your present post and the upcoming series.
I also struggle with promoting my blog post on social media, particularly Twitter. I hope you will consider that aspect in your future posts.
I conclude my comment with a big thank you for the first post in your planned series.
May 7, 2024 @ 6:30 pm
Congrats on the blogaversary! It is lovely reading about the changes you’ve seen in yourself as a reader who blogs too, and I was nodding along with a lot of it as I could relate too!
I love checking out the recommendations and adding to my TBR, and yes, I too live on the dark side now! and I have no idea how to remedy that!